Summer 2011Posted by MC


Ann Turner took early retirement, and as her responsibilities had gone with her children who now had lives of their own, she rented out her home, packed a bag and went to South Africa leaving the English winter behind. The next fifteen years she spent living on a game reserve, learning to live with the big five in the bush, and founding a conservation project. The adventures and 'making a difference' to wildlife are what Ann is all about.

Ann Turner is the Founder and Co-ordinator of The Ground Hornbill Project Mabula Game Reserve, South Africa (non-profit organization 1996 - present)

This Research and Conservation Project for the highly endangered bird, the Southern Ground Hornbill, is based in South Africa but with global interest. Specifically it concerns the harvest of second-hatched chicks in the wild, that would otherwise die after three days, for captive breeding programmes and for wild releases and population introductions.

Conservationist of the Year 2010 (PAAZAB - Pan African Association of Zoos and Aquaria)

Website :

Watch Ann on Youtube; 'A short documentary produced by Birds of a Feather (2008). It tells the remarkable and poignant story of how Ann Turner, in 1999, founded the Ground-Hornbill Research and Conservation Project at Mabula Game Reserve.' Threatened with Extinction: The Ground-Hornbill's critical walk to freedom