Ann Turner took early retirement, and as her responsibilities had gone with her children who now had lives of their own, she rented out her home, packed a bag and went to South Africa leaving the English winter behind. The next fifteen years she spent living on a game reserve, learning to live with the big five in the bush, and founding a conservation project. The adventures and 'making a difference' to wildlife are what Ann is all about.
Ann Turner is the Founder and Co-ordinator of The Ground Hornbill Project Mabula Game Reserve, South Africa (non-profit organization 1996 - present)
This Research and Conservation Project for the highly endangered bird, the Southern Ground Hornbill, is based in South Africa but with global interest. Specifically it concerns the harvest of second-hatched chicks in the wild, that would otherwise die after three days, for captive breeding programmes and for wild releases and population introductions.
Conservationist of the Year 2010 (PAAZAB - Pan African Association of Zoos and Aquaria)
Website :
Watch Ann on Youtube; 'A short documentary produced by Birds of a Feather (2008). It tells the remarkable and poignant story of how Ann Turner, in 1999, founded the Ground-Hornbill Research and Conservation Project at Mabula Game Reserve.' Threatened with Extinction: The Ground-Hornbill's critical walk to freedom